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Thursday 28 April 2011

Top 8 Dance Tips- Improve your Dancing

1.Find a Great Dance Instuctor:-
Experienced dancers know the importance of a good dance instructor. A dance teacher not only teaches new steps and techniques, but also corrects mistakes. If you are new to dance, choose your instructor carefully. If you have been taking lessons for awhile and don't seem to be improving, consider looking around for a different teacher. The more you dance, the more you realize what qualities you prefer in a dance instructor.

2.Watch Other Dancers:-
Rent movies or dance teaching some DVDs. See the dancers up close, looking at things such as body alignment, posture and technique. Try to find ways to integrate the styles you like in your own dance.

3.Perfact your Posture:-
Stand up straight, push your shoulders down and back, and keep your head. It's really amazing what good posture is a dancer.

4.Improve Your Techniques:-
Professional dancers spend their entire career perfecting his technique. A good technique is what separates the good dancers, among the best dancers. Learn new moves, but seeks to improve the skills of each step.

Daily stretching will make your body more flexible. A major objective of the dance is to make each move look effortless. The more flexible your legs are, the easier it is to move them. Make a habit of stretching every day.

Dance your body as much as possible in a relaxed state. Take a few deep breaths and clear your mind. Learn to relax with music.

7.Wear Proper Shoes:-
Each style of dance requires a certain type of shoe. dance shoes are carefully designed to protect the legs and feet and dancing benefits. Be sure to dance in the right kind of shoes, and shoes are the right size.

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