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Friday 1 April 2011

Dance Company Draws Full House

With shows like "So You Think You Can Dance" and "America's Best Dance Crew" dance is becoming more popular than ever, but it feels more like a modern genre continues to go unrecognized. But Thursday night is spent at the University of corporate performance ODC Theater, this does not seem to be the case. His visionary choreographers a unique soundtrack and a principal dancers, the company has been nothing short of impressive.

In 1971 Brenda Way, ODC, Oberlin Dance Collective began in the department of art at Oberlin College and Conservatory, before moving to San Francisco in 1976. In 1979 he became the first modern dance group to set up your home institution, and has since grown to two arts facilities, a welcome dancers of Medicine, eight rehearsal rooms and office complex professional and recreational dance training. The company is a world-renowned entrepreneurship and vision of the art.

The show began with the pure visual motion "Stomp a Waltz." Loved the dancers' hands and their feet trample commanded the audience's attention even before the score by Marcelo Zarvos started. Choreographer KT Nelson was drawn to the letter of credit, noisy and aggressive fight against a lyrical theme "presented by the string quartet and created a pace of reductions, including a folk dance filled with moments of contrast sensitivity waltzes with strong beats and runs faster than the wings of a butterfly. "I wanted the audience to feel some kind of joy and risk in this paragraph. To see the dancers being thrown around and trust they will experience something exciting, "said Nelson.'s exactly what we see on stage, every movement is fast and accurate, but each transition is smooth and rejuvenated.

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